14. You're an object

..because everything is an object ;/) It’s another data type. It looks like this::

let variable = {
    key1: value1,
    key2: value2,
    key3: value3

As you can see, it resembles an array. However, in an array, the order of elements is very significant. In the case of objects, the keys are crucial ;)

If we want to represent a person as an object, we could do it in the following way:

let person = {
    name: 'Natalia',
    age: 27,
    hobby: ['swimming', 'cycling', 'fantasy books']

To access a specific element of an object, we need to refer to its key, for example:


We can add new elements to an existing object:

person.city = 'Poznań';

We can also delete elements:

delete person.hobby;

Sometimes, an object can contain another object:

 let person = {   
    name: 'Natalia',
    age: 27,
    hobby: ['swimming', 'cycling', 'fantasy books'],
    city: 'Poznan',
    family: {
        mom: 'Anna',
        dad: 'Paweł',
        sister: 'Karolina'

How to display the sister’s name?


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